
The Future of Education

Have you ever wondered what trends hold for the future of education?

The answer is the internet. And it is that the use of the internet to learn a new trade increases every day. People learning a new language or skill through web pages and applications is current.

In this article we are going to mention some future trends that indicate the growing use of technology will determine the future of education:

At present, education has found new teaching methods that go beyond the physical barrier, and even the bidirectionality between student teachers. So that you are aware of what the future of education will be, we mention some trends that will make a difference in this sector:

The Mass Market for Online Courses

The MOOC platform started in 2006. This online platform offers free classes to students from all over the world. They have more than 11 million courses from the most prestigious Universities. Among them, we can mention Harvard, and Stanford, Massachusetts.

A survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania indicates that 80% of people who access a course on this website have a University degree, according to data provided by the NYTimes blog. The truth is that this platform is changing the way teachers teach and how students adapt to it.

The rise of e-learning in the United States

Elementary and high school students in the United States have at least one digital tool to take classes online. Statistical data from obsbusiness magazine indicate that the e-learning market will grow 7.6% each year until 2020.

If we are even more specific, remote learning is a great advantage for children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders. We quoted the freelance writer Mindy Kroesche mother of a 12-year-old boy with autism on the apnews website : “We saw that in her case wearing a mask all day made it difficult for her to learn, it was going to be such a different environment. We didn’t think it could be beneficial to her.”

Learning through mobile devices

One in 3 boy 10-year-old children has a mobile device from the moment they get up until they go to bed. Use that will be more difficult to diminish in school reincorporation.

Although mobile devices have already stolen our attention for years to make a social life, the pandemic gave them a new use and this is to learn a class through the mobile device.

Confinement protected users to maintain health, and thanks to mobile devices many users are learning a new trade, teaching or receiving classes, among others.

Augmented reality and virtual reality in e-learning

If what some students need to continue learning is the classroom, virtual reality will create the necessary conditions to improve the user experience through the mobile device.

So with the growth of virtual reality, the education sector will create an effective, pleasant and practical environment to promote learning.

E-learning for business

The telecommuting and multicultural diversity that is experienced in business to strengthen the sales force design make it essential e-learning in enterprises.

Since many of the employees cannot attend classes that increase their skills and strengths in person, it is necessary to take classes online.

A good leader knows that in order for his company to achieve its objectives, it must be based on the continuous learning of the professional. In addition, it is a good strategy for the members of an organization, since they can choose the time allocated to this learning.

For this reason, business e-learning is expected to grow at an annual rate of 11% between 2020 and 2024.

Easy adaptability and learning in the contents

Some college students concluded that it is much more comfortable and practical to do your debts through technology. Before, the University system told you that you should go to the Main Library to obtain verifiable studies of sustainable Authors.

Now the future of education is on the internet. There are millions of online libraries that you can access for essays, papers, and even scientific studies. So if, for example, a web portal buys a book, it can be read by several students at the same time, while this hardly happens with a physical book.

Electronic study increases retention of learning

According to data provided by the expolearning magazine , knowledge retention rates increased by 60% in relation to face-to-face learning, which on average ranges from 8% to 10%.

Social pressure is a factor immersed in the learning process. And, when a student learns online, they can repeat a test more than once to get the score they expect. This without needing to be graded by your classmates.

The same happens when you forget a fragment of the topic, go back to the page or agenda from where you got it and make a new interpretation.

Including more students in a face-to-face classroom includes two variables:

  • Socialization.
  • The learning.

Thus, the student can be immersed in the pressure of wanting to stand out or fit in among his other classmates. What takes him out of the real focus of the class, which is to fix the content dictated day by day.

Cost savings by companies

IBM saved almost 200 million dollars to change face learning mode to e. And it is that when the learning of the employees belonging to an organization is in person, expenses must be covered such as:

  • Classes of the instructor who will teach the class.
  • Transfer for each of the members of the company.
  • Lodging.

For this reason, companies that consider the importance of training their employees, are continuously betting on electronic learning that can be received anywhere in the world where the employee is.

As today, almost everyone has a mobile device, companies use this tool to their advantage. There are millions of applications for learning online education thus promoting online learning.

Technology as a support in learning

The university professor in person and online-only lasts a couple of hours stipulated to teach the class. After that, it is difficult for the student to have it available 24 hours a day.

Students indicate that technology and online learning allow them to fix post-class knowledge.

Mobile devices and tablets to fix knowledge in classes

As we mentioned earlier in this article, at least one student in the classroom has a mobile device or tablet. Through it they execute the following tasks:

  • Record the teacher’s class if he has a high tone of voice and the speech is too fast to copy and fix the knowledge.
  • Use the notepad to write the same content.
  • Take pictures of the blackboard of the text in general.

These strategies allow the student to have a more active listening within the class and therefore have more participation.

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