NASA on Tuesday released five images fromthe early work of the James Webb SpaceTelescope.
The pictures highlighted the great potential
of the telescope to plumb the secrets of
deep space. Below are some of the things we
have learned so far
The Hubble Space Telescope's experience returning hazy photos to NASA shown that cutting-edge scientific instruments occasionally did not function as expected.
The Hubble was repaired by astronauts on numerous occasions, but the Webb was too far away from Earth for such repairs to be feasible.
Even further-off galaxies were visible scattered across the sky in the photograph of the distant star cluster SMACS 0723.
We'll See Deeper Into the Universe's Past Than Ever
The gravitational field of the cluster intensified the light from those galaxies, which was then created more than 13 billion years ago.
We'll See Deeper Into the Universe's Past Than Ever
The most ancient and remote stars may not have looked like the stars we see now, according to astronomers' theories.